Smother by Luis Gispert

Directed by Luis Gispert
Score & Sound Design by Phoenecia

Smother takes me back to 1980s Miami. The film is set to a bass heavy soundtrack courtesy of Phoenecia and even has Steven Bauer from Scarface in it. The story revolves around a bed wetting Gables by the Sea look a like kid and his degrading mother. The film takes the viewer through an altered dream scape where Cocaine Cowboys meets Miami Vice...

Smother - Luis Gispert, 2008 (Phoenecia's Alternate Score & Edit) from Josh Kay on Vimeo.

From the New York Times review:
"A boy lies on a trampoline, clutching a boombox to his chest. Gradually the blue tarpaulin turns a sickly green as he empties his bladder. “Smother,” a riveting new 26-minute film at Mary Boone Gallery by the New York artist Luis Gispert, explores the relationship between this 11-year-old chronic bed-wetter, also depicted in the photograph at right, and his domineering mother. Like “Stereomongrel,” Mr. Gispert’s 2005 film collaboration with Jeffrey Reed, it follows a precocious pre-adolescent’s odyssey through a perilous adult landscape - in this case 1980s Miami (where Mr. Gispert was raised).